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Science, STEM or
Technology Workshops
Our team all have certified WWCC
We deliver Health, Safety & Covid plans before arrival
Workshops on offer run for 1 or 2 days
VR Workshops
These workshops are based on our edgedVR concept of adopting VR technology into the classroom. Choose from one of our Introductory Programs
Teacher and Students
Min. x60 students
Min. x2 Teachers
VRCreate software required

Science Week
National Science Week theme STEM workshop
Hands-on learning experience
Viewing Theme Content
Creating VR Projects
Min 90 Students a day
The Inc. Program
A leadership program, in line with the UN SDGs.
Students view experiences and raise awareness for one of the goals - becoming Global Citizens!
Viewing immersive themes from UN SDGs
Collaborate and design possible solutions
Create an advocacy campaign in VR

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